The event was an exciting exercise of co-creation and social innovation, it took place the last may -from the 6th to the 9th in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia- at Palmira, a small town near to Cali, capital city of Valle del Cauca.
The event was organized in two different sections.
The first one was a set of conferences with local and foreign guests.
Mr. Carlos Zorro -PhD in social development- joined together diverse concepts building a framework about development; the proffesor Juan Suarez Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana Medellin was talked about the link between social innovation and design; and Zulma Patarroyo and Pete Sims were explained the general concept of Kaos Pilot a danish school that educated an enterprising leader who navigates change for the benefit of themselves and society as a whole.
Then a workshop begun between design students and professionals who tried to figurate how to improve the well-being conditions of an Afro-american community based at the Rio Nima near to Palmira. It was possible trough different sets of sessions, following Human Centered design toolkits (by IDEO).
I am an an advisor and consultant on design-driven innovation at rrebrand, a strategic design consultancy that helps organizations innovate in a meaningful way, and a lecturer at University of los Andes. This blog is a platform to share my thoughts about design and share some case studies organized in three categories: strategic, product and social innovation.