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Official report of the “Design Policy Conference, make a plan”

Report of the “Design Policy Conference, make a plan”, 17 & 18 October, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa. http://wdcdesignpolicyconf2014.com/

In 1994, a research project was instituted in Colombia to study design policies and approaches. The study revealed that 97% of businesses were small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Only 5% of these had a body in place to implement design in their business, and just 2% had funds to invest in design. Believing that designers need to understand the user, and build a bridge between the user and the designer to design workable products and services, there was a need for design, academia and SMEs to lead and catalyse the process of implementing design in business.

A systematic way was needed to apply design to SMEs: design is not only operational – it must be strategic, too. With this understanding, the design policy comprised three steps: knowledge transfer about design through handbooks, manuals, diagnostic tools and workshops to explain the value of design; viewing and promoting successful case studies of local design; and hosting an international co-creation roundtable and other events to ask what the policy should contain.

(Text from the official report of the “Design Policy Conference, make a plan”, 17 & 18 October, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa).


National Design Programm / Presentation in Cape Town World Design Capital from Ricardo Mejia Sarmiento

The full original document: Design-Policy-Conference-Report

Javier Ricardo Mejia Sarmiento

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Capítulo 29 Bogota Beer Company

Category : //MinCIT · No Comments · by Aug 26th, 2013

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Este capítulo forma parte de la serie documental: “Casos de Éxito de Diseño Gráfico y Comunicación Visual en las MIPYMES Colombianas. Hacia el éxito por el camino del diseño” que recopila diez entrevistas no estructuradas (capítulo 21 al 30) con empresarios colombianos que gracias al uso del diseño han visto beneficios en su organización productiva.

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Category : //MinCIT · No Comments · by Aug 20th, 2013

Este capítulo forma parte de la serie documental: “Casos de Éxito de Diseño Gráfico y Comunicación Visual en las MIPYMES Colombianas. Hacia el éxito por el camino del diseño” que recopila diez entrevistas no estructuradas (capítulo 21 al 30) con empresarios colombianos que gracias al uso del diseño han visto beneficios en su organización productiva.